Patch Notes - 03/21/2014 - Build 6582

  • Fixed bug when on a hoverboard, the camera will immediately snap below the character's feet when it intersects terrain.
  • Replaced missing stair in Junction Zeta Bunker in Celestion.
  • Fixed numerous crashes from build.
  • Changed location of patch server. If you are having trouble patching click here:
  • Fixed a bug where the abilities telegraphs were not previewed when holding their assigned key.
  • Rented Lightreach Hoverbikes can no longer be used in PVP instances. Dungeons, and Adventures.
  • Fixing an issue where certain AMPs would cause the Vendor and other UIs to constantly redraw itself.
  • Launcher now has an English EULA players must agree to.



About the Weary Warriors

The Weary Warriors Gaming Guild has the single purpose to forge and strengthen camaraderie between a group of mature game hobbyists. The company of good people becomes the best part of all of the games we play. While we strive to excel in the games we play with or against each other, excellence of character will always be more important than gaming skill.


No FB Yes FB Hand (smaller) Lap 40.063em Desk 64.063em Wall 90.063em