General Discussion

Welcome Khit, Haalks, Rhuester & Helzin

Welcome aboard.  I hope your stay is a  long and happy one.  

We still have to get Khit an in game invite, and Rhuester still needs to sign up on the website.

If you need any help, have any questions or just need to run a certain dungeon, feel free to jump on Team Speak, or ask in game or here on the forums.

Thanks, Brooklyn(Tom)

Last edited by WWBrooklyn on Oct. 22nd, 2013 10:49:43 am; edited 2 times in total
Welcome to WW looking forward to talking to you on TeamSpeak1

Also welcome Khits' husband Helzin!


Helzin Helgard

About the Weary Warriors

The Weary Warriors Gaming Guild has the single purpose to forge and strengthen camaraderie between a group of mature game hobbyists. The company of good people becomes the best part of all of the games we play. While we strive to excel in the games we play with or against each other, excellence of character will always be more important than gaming skill.


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