Guild Applications

APPROVED - App: Vibbak - by WWBrooklyn

The application submitted by Vibbak is as follows:

Name : Vibbak
Game : Star Wars: The Old Republic
Server : Darth Bandon
Level : 2
Gender : Male
Faction : The Empire
Race : Sith Pureblood
Class : Sith Warrior
Adv. Class : Juggernaut

How old are you?:

What is your gender?:

What time zone are you in?:

How did you hear about the Weary Warriors?:
Friend of mine told me about a Guild aimed towards adults. After reading the trolling folks on other servers and small Guilds with either no people or poor behaviour I was hoping this would be a good choice for me.

Have you even been in another guild?:

Why do you wish to become a Weary Warrior?:
I want to be part of a Guild of like minded people who treat each other as well as other players with respect. I have played since December 18, 2011 and have been in a couple Guilds. Most with people from Warcraft that play Star Wars too. The Guilds are small without many on when I play. Also, I have a Sith Inquisitor on another server that I will move when we are able to do so. He is a healer, level 23. Because I have not found a home I have a handful of characters on other servers.

Have you read the <a href="">Constitution</a>?:

Do you agree to adhere to the <a href="">Constitution</a>?:

Please look up Kelsen, Jaxatl ,Brook, Boregard, Agan, Mythu, Panna, Panuby, Psyche'a'dellic, Josin, Sevrn, or Tazix for invite in game.
You can find Teamspeak and other info in the members sections.
About the Weary Warriors

The Weary Warriors Gaming Guild has the single purpose to forge and strengthen camaraderie between a group of mature game hobbyists. The company of good people becomes the best part of all of the games we play. While we strive to excel in the games we play with or against each other, excellence of character will always be more important than gaming skill.


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