
FAQ - Party and VOIP

Here is a little instructional guide on how to use Party and Voice efficiently on Battlelog.
1. If you want to create a new Party click "Create party" in bottom of Com Center. If you want to join a friends' party just click the party icon next to that friend. Blue Party icon indicates that the friend is in a Party.

2. You are in the party! This will look almost as a regular chat window but with more slots for people in the top. When the Party-icon is glowing blue you're also in the Voice Channel. You can leave the voice channel by clicking "Leave voice" above the avatars.

3. Invite up to 7 more players by using the Drop Zone. Simply drag a friend from the Com Center and drop him on the party.

4. If you wanna keep the party private, for only you to invite more players, just click the pad lock in the party header (only available for the creator of the party).

5. Leave the Party by clicking the X in the Party header.
About the Weary Warriors

The Weary Warriors Gaming Guild has the single purpose to forge and strengthen camaraderie between a group of mature game hobbyists. The company of good people becomes the best part of all of the games we play. While we strive to excel in the games we play with or against each other, excellence of character will always be more important than gaming skill.


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